Emergency number

In an emergency:

  • Immediately call 1414 - Rega
  • Inform the secretariat 

Why Rega?
Because our estate is so rugged, it is difficult, if not impossible, for an ambulance to reach certain areas. Thanks to its helicopters, Rega can land anywhere on the estate and even use the greens as a landing zone. Rega staff will decide on the resources required.


3 defibrillators are available:

  • Clubhouse -> opposite the entrance
  • Hut at tee No. 1
  • In the secretariat

Remember to call 1414 emergencies and inform the staff. 

Safety in the event of a storm

In the event of thunderstorms, stop the game and seek shelter!

Stop playing immediately and leave your equipment and umbrella behind!

Go to the clubhouse or take shelter in the places indicated on the protection plan. On the way, go individually, avoid elevated areas, keep your distance from trees and do not touch fences.

Do not take equipment to the shelter.

Avoid the following:

Isolated trees
Water (ponds, lakes)
Elevated areas
Metal objects

Look for :

Large permanent buildings
Completely enclosed vehicles
Pits / hollows

When is there a real risk?
There is a real danger of being struck by lightning if there is less than 10 seconds between the flash and the thunder.

COPTR alarm system

The Golf de Lavaux is equipped with an automated storm alarm system. This alarm is linked to an application that allows you to follow developments in the situation.

Members can download the COPTR application:

Apple AppStore

Google PlayStore

Visitors can connect at the following address


The application is colour-coded:

Green sticker = No danger
Orange sticker = Be vigilant
Red sticker = Take shelter immediately. When the alarm goes off, the sticker turns red and displays a countdown to indicate how long it will take for the system to sound the alarm. The game will restart at 20 minutes if a new bolt of lightning is detected in the protection zone. 

Lightning is a real risk, so be careful!

Golf de Lavaux declines all responsibility if these rules are not respected.

You will find the evacuation plan below. 

Golf de Lavaux

*(published in the Golf de Lavaux calendar)

Evacuation plan